The power of maca.

Recently I started taking a maca supplement that really helps with mood, energy, libido, regulating monthly cycles, and hot flashes.

Maca is a very popular herbal adaptogen that we often find in smoothies. It has a bit of a nutty flavor and it is another gateway herbal adaptogen to try. You want to specifically look at the red Peruvian variety because this is the one that has adaptogenic properties. It’s high in glucosinolates, and so what this does is it moderates estrogen metabolism which helps with the fluctuations of estrogen and can really help people with estrogen dominance!

Here are just a few powerful things it can help with:

  • It is an anti-inflammatory, so it can help with adrenal and thyroid function.  However, do not take it if you are on thyroid medication.  It can help with anxiety and even keep you from losing lean muscle mass.

  • It can also help with fat gain because it can really moderate the estrogen metabolism.

  • Lastly, it can help with brain fog! 

A couple of things to keep in mind: 

  • Don’t take it if you get tested as an athlete because it can show up on tests.

  • This is stimulatory, so take it in the morning!

  • ***As always, consult your medical provider before taking, as some people may not be able to take it.


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