The power of a strong core.

Having a strong core is important for women as we age. It is more than just having abs to show off in a bathing suit. Our core plays a major role in our health. Here are some of the reasons why:

  1. Better Posture: A strong core helps support the spine and allows us to maintain a good posture. 

  2. Reduced Risk of Back Pain: A strong core can help prevent back pain by reducing the stress on the spine and supporting proper alignment of the pelvis and spine. This is particularly important for women, who are more likely to experience back pain due to factors such as menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and menopause.

  3. Increased Stability and Balance: A strong core improves stability and balance, which can help reduce the risk of falls and injuries. 

  4. Improved Digestion: The core muscles play an important role in supporting the digestive system. A strong core can help improve digestion and reduce the risk of digestive issues such as constipation and bloating.

Currently to help me build a strong core, I am doing these moves. Check out this post for a great core workout that is sure to have your abs on 🔥. 

  • Side Bends 

  • Good mornings on your knees

  • Plank

  • Straight leg roll ups 

  • Tucks

  • Bear hold

  • Leg lift pulses

  • Single leg twist

  • Knee pull

  • Airplane toe taps


The power of maca.