Turkey Meatball Soup

Turkey Meatball Soup

One thing I love about my Faster Way private groups is we share the recipes we love with each other!!! My client, Sarah, gave me the idea for this and it was AMAZING!


  • 2lbs ground turkey

  • 1 T savory seasoning

  • 1/4 t salt

  • 1 egg

  • Olive oil

  • 6 large carrots, chopped

  • 1 zuchinni, chopped

  • 1/4 onion, diced

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 32 oz chicken broth

  • Pasta

  • Parsley


Sautée carrots, onion, garlic in olive oil. Meanwhile, make meatballs by combining turkey, egg, seasoning, salt. Brown meatballs in a pot for 3 min each side. Add sautéed veggies, zuchinni, and broth to the pot and simmer until cooked through. Serve over pasta (or rice), top with parsley! Enjoy!


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